Risotto with Toma fondue
An interesting culinary usage of mountain pasture Toma
For the risotto:
- 80gr rice per serving (organic half-brown or Carnaroli type);
- 20gr butter;
- Vegetable broth;
- Oil.
For the fondue:
- béchamel;
- seasoned mountain pasture Toma;
- flaked almonds, pumpkin seeds, wildflower honey and pepper.
Toast the rice in a pan with little oil on high heat, cover with broth and reduce the heat. Then, while cooking, gradually add the broth you need and raise the flame. When cooked, turn off and stir it with butter and a little broth until creamy.
Meanwhile, prepare the béchamel, pass it to the blender, let it cool down and then add the diced Toma until completely melted.Serve creating a ring of rice and pour at the center, few tablespoons of fondue.
Complete with flaked almonds and pumpkin seeds previously toasted, honey flush and pepper of your choosing.