Rock climbing in Val Pellice
A brief review on rock climbing in the area
It is not always easy to talk about climbing. We climbers have all our particular way of seeing things. It is strange, because we all do the same thing, although one feels stronger, weaker, more technical or more physical, more or less ethical.
The Val Pellice has always been for us, inhabitant of a valley, a small cradle for those who love this lifestyle. It all started in the mid-50s with Renato and Fiorenzo and their first classic routes, which still are one of the most elegant ones in the area and in the alpine style. Then Marco Demarchi, in the ‘70-80, has permanently opened the world to the sportive climbing in the valley. I mention three of the names that have influenced the initial growth and development of local climbing, without taking anything away from those who, in the same years and in the years to come, have drawn and climbed routes with the same aim and passion that unites all of us. Today things have changed for the newcomers, the routes have been traced or climbed, there are bolts and stops, everything you need to get there, ascend, descend and come back, thanks to those before us have spent time and money on it, for both experiencing and letting experience the same emotions to future climbers.
The internet guide linked here is a tribute project to those who gave us, that arrived later, the opportunity to measure ourselves and have fun at the same (or almost) way. We hope the guide could be a useful tool and give a chance to visit our magnificent places. We can only wish you good adventures, hoping that our work could be helpful to those who want to "venture" in Val Pellice!
Many routes of different lengths are present in the upper valley, easily accessible by local huts as Granero Hut, Jervis Hut and Rifugio degli Invincibili. Full reports on it, are published on some excellent guides among which we mention "Passaggio a NordOvest" by Oviglia-Michelin and "Escalade alpinisme" by Pusnel-Vallot, easily available at the Claudiana bookstore of Torre Pellice.
For further information and routes, click on: